This part is no longer available.. But we have a solution..
The RENU Kit is a 1" x 3/4" - 3/4" Wye with reducer bushings 1" to 3/4" and 3/4" to 1/2" Along with related parts to make RENU Connections to old Flex pipe..
On the 3/4" Side it comes with a 3/4" Coupler that you would spin onto the old 3/4" Flex and then cut and glue the proper length of 3/4" Flex into the coupler and the bushing that glues into the single side of the Wye.. On the double end it comes with bushings to reduce from 3/4" to 1/2" where you glue the 1/2" to 3/4" Barb in and use the 3/4" Clear pipe to slide over the barb and then slide the 1/2" flex into the 3/4" clear with glue and clamps.. This is a complete Renu solution to the old flex pipe new wye issue..