This part is a Pump Motor only that is 48 frame 115V 2 speed with 11.0 Amps on High Speed and 2.9A on Low Speed.. You can find wet ends for this motor by clicking here.. Complete Wet Ends
This part is a Stationary Switch, Century, Wishbone, 2 Speed, Pump, Motor, Switch.. The thing that happens to this switch is one of the phenolic pads on the edge of the wishbone falls off and the...
This part is a Stationary Switch that fits in the back of some A. O. Smith Motors also Century and Regal Beloit.. This switch is about 2" wide, 2 1/2" Long and 1 3/8" Tall.. Motor Brand ...
This pump is a 1 1/2" which measures about 2 3/8" across the threads with Center Discharge Style 48 Frame Pump Wet End... This Motor is 230V with 2 Speeds and Is considered to be a 1.5HP with 6.5A on...