You are purchasing a 2HP Impeller, (1) Standard Bearing and 1000 Seal with Silicon and a Seal Install Tool that fits an Executive 48 Frame Wet End up to 2HP Motor and a 56 Frame Wet End 1HP Motor. This Impeller fits between the Face and the Volute of an Executive Wet End. I would advise replacing the Seal when you replace the Impeller. We offer a Seal and Silicone in a kit or an Impeller individually, and the Purpose of this Kit is to repair a Damaged Impeller and Seal inside the Wet End. This is (1) Impeller, (1) Bearings, (1) Seal (1) Tube Silicone & a Seal Install Tool ONLY!!
Note: If you are not going to spend the time to make sure this is the correct part using the pictures and videos please don't buy from me. I did all of the extra work to add pictures with measurements as well as videos so you can learn how to get the right part every time.
Visit our Store as we also offer these and other associated products and accessories for your Spa.
ASP 310-4210,310-4210, waterway impeller, waterway pump, waterway impeller, waterway seal kit, waterway executive pump, water pump part, waterway pump parts, water way, 315-1220, 315-1220 waterway
Note: Some of these impellers have the actual HP stamped in the front center of the impeller. 2,3 and 4HP usually do have a stamp the 1 and 5hp usually don't. Also note they have come out with a new replacement impeller that is supposed ot be better than the old style and they are direct replacements so don't expect the one I send you to look exactly like the original although the HP will be the same.
Note: A 115v motor that uses a 1 HP Impeller would show about 11-12.0 Amps on high speed a 230V motor would show about 8.0 Amps on High. See chart below for other Horsepowers.
Do Not choose a Larger Impeller thinking that it will make your Hot Tub Stronger it will only damage the Motor and make it run hot on high speed as well as there are (2) different size wear rings on the impellers so if you choose a different size impeller your wear ring may not work. The 1-3HP wear rings are larger than the 4-5HP wear rings.
To determine the HP refer to the chart below..
The difference between a 48 or 56 Frame wet end is the spacing of the Motor Thru bolts.
The 48 Frame will be 3 5/8" between or 5 3/16" in a X Pattern and the 56 Frame will be 4 1/8" Between or 5 3/4" in a X Pattern.
You must go by the Amperage Sticker on the motor not stickers on the Wet End or Motor especially the BHP Stickers.
Look on the label of the motor for the two amperages if you have a 2 speed pump or if its a single speed look for a single amperage. An example will look something like this: 10.0/3.5 The 10.0 is the high amperage in this example.
115V Chart Below
3/4HP 8-9 Amps
1HP 11-12 Amps
1.5HP 16-17 Amps
2HP 19-20 Amps. 2HP would be very rare.
230V Chart Below
8.0 = 1 HP
10.0 = 2 HP
12.0 = 3 HP
14.0 = 4 HP
16.0 = 5 HP
NOTE: Your pump or motor may say a different Horse Power than what you see here, DO NOT go by what is listed on the motor, go by the amperage on the label.
NOTE for the NOTE: TRUST ME ON THIS, everybody lies about their Horse Power. But the amperage does not lie. Most people are told incorrectly that they have 5 HP pumps.
If you do the math two 230V 5 HP pumps at 16 amps is: 32 amps. Plus a 5.5 KW heater is: + 21 amps.
That means with both pumps running and the heater on it will draw = 53 AMPS.
I bet your HOT TUB is on a 50 AMP breaker…... Therefore contrary to what you have been told you DO NOT have a 5 or 6 or 7 Hp pump.
This Kit is features a 2HP Impeller and 1000 Seal with Silicon and a Seal Install Tool that fits an Executive 48 Frame Wet End up to 3HP Motor and a 56 Frame Wet End 2HP Motor...
This Kit is features a 4HP Impeller, (1) Standard Bearing and 1000 Seal with Silicon and a Seal Install Tool that fits an Executive 48 Frame Wet End up to 3HP Motor and a 56 Frame Wet...
This Kit is features a 3HP Impeller, (1) Standard Bearing and 1000 Seal with Silicon and a Seal Install Tool that fits an Executive 48 Frame Wet End up to 3HP Motor and a 56 Frame Wet...