You are Buying a 1" Ball Gasket that fits inside of a Waterway air control valve over top of the ball.. NOTE: This listing is for the Gasket only all other items shown are for illustration only and are not included.
This Part is a Cal Spa 1" Spa Hot Tub Complete Air Valve "Swoosh Style".
The Valve features a 1" Slip fitting on bottom and the hole size in the tube is 1 5/8".
For help please see our...
You are Buying a 18 Scallop 1" Gray Spa Hot Tub Air Valve. The Valve Cap Width is approx. 2 3/4" and the Hole in the Spa Shell is approx. 1 5/8". We also offer This Air Control Valve in...
This part is a Waterway 1" Spa Hot Tub Air Control Valve with the hidden type cap to be used under a larger handle style cap. You use this valve to replace the guts of an installed valve and don't...
We no longer have the Tear Drop Style air control but we have the new style replacement here: Air Control Valve Cal Spa Swoosh Style 1" Spa Hot Tub
This Part is a
You are Buying a Cal Spa 1" Spa Hot Tub Air Valve " Cap Only". The Valve Tear Drop Cap Width is approx. 3" and the Hole in the Cap is approx. 1/4". Compare the measurements to be sure this is correct...