You are buying a Complete Replacement 5.5KW Heater Assembly that fits a Gecko SSPA or Spa Builders Pack. This Heater Assembly includes the Tub, Element, Pressure Switch, Split nuts and Gaskets. NOTE: If you have the old style SSPA board with the soldered on tabs like you see in the picture above this heater will not work... you need to choose the heater with the nuts on the heater electrodes in our store... I also offer the element only or the tub and element with no pressure switch for this SSPA Pack in our store. Watch the video for more detailed information. NOTE: This listing is for the heater tube, element, Pressure Switch and gaskets only any other parts are for illustration only. We have plenty of these.
Watch the video for tips on how to diagnose this part. Normally on this system you will have 3 dots flashing on the topside showing a Flow Code but three dots can also mean a hi limit code if there is a tiny red light lite on the lower right of the board. If it is a hi limit code that means the heater overheated at some point and you cannot clear the three dots with the red light unless you power down and back up. Some of the causes of a hi limit code can be a stuck closed heater relay, a combination of no GFCI Breaker and a hole in the heater element shorting the element to ground and keeping it on, bad board or hi limit sensor.. The causes of 3 dots and no red light which is a Flow Code could be a stopped up filter, pump #1 not operating sometimes or at all, a faulty pressure switch not closing when it has water movement...If all systems are working with no 3 dots code but no heat you would verify incoming voltage, proper voltage to the heater and then test the heater to see if it is open... Thanks, Spa Guy
You are buying a Complete Replacement 5.5KW Heater Assembly that fits a Gecko MSPA Pack. This Heater Assembly includes the Tub, Element, Pressure Switch, Split nuts and Gaskets.I also offer the...
This part is a 5.5KW Sundance Sentry 850 / 750 Smart Heater Complete Assembly includes the Body, Element, Case and Manual Bimetallic Hi Limit with wires. This unit features a BiMetallic Backup high...